Red elephant on transparent background
"Free speech is not a privilege, it's a fundamental right."


Submit an Article

Let your voice thunder across the conservative landscape – this is your arena to challenge the status quo and deliver truth bombs through your writing!

Four Steps

Dive into the heart of conservative journalism with Red Elephant by following four straightforward steps to make your voice heard.

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1. Subscribe to Red Elephant

  • Visit the subscription section,
  • Our subscription plan is FREE!
  • Complete the sign-up form and payment process.
  • Verify your account through the email confirmation link.
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2. Review Best Practices

  • Navigate to the 'Best Practices' section below.
  • Carefully read through the guidelines for article submission.
  • Keep in mind the tone, structure, and originality requirements.
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3. Create Your Article

  • Choose a relevant conservative topic.
  • Draft your article, adhering to the best practices.
  • Ensure your article is well-researched, engaging, and proofread.
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4. Submit Your Article

  • Log in to your Red Elephant member account.
  • Go to the 'Publish Your Articles' page.
  • Use the provided submission form to upload your article.
  • Review and confirm the submission details.
  • Click ‘Submit’ to send your article for review.

Best Practices

Stand out with your writing! Exceptional articles may be selected for the coveted front page of the Red Elephant website, offering your views a broader audience and greater impact.

  • Stay True to the Tone: Align with Red Elephant's unapologetically conservative ethos. Your voice should resonate with our community's values.

  • Fact-Check: Accuracy is key. Ensure all claims are backed by reliable sources.

  • Engaging Title: Capture attention with a compelling headline.

  • Clear Structure: Organize your content logically – introduction, body, conclusion – for readability.

  • Originality Counts: Be unique! Plagiarism is a strict no-go. Original insights and perspectives are what we seek.

  • Polish Your Work: Grammar and clarity matter. Proofread before submitting.

A Red Elephant working on a computer


These are the no-BS, straight-shooting FAQs about submitting your hard-hitting articles to Red Elephant. Read them, know them, live by them.

Will I be compensated for my submissions?

Dream on! We don’t do paychecks, but we’ll slap your name on your masterpiece.

Is there a limit to how many articles I can submit?

Fire away with all you've got! But keep it sharp, folks. We're hunting for articles that hit like a freight train, not just fluff.

Do all articles received get published?

Only the top-tier stuff makes the cut. Pass our eagle-eyed scrutiny, and you're in on the subscriber side. The absolute best? Front page!

Is AI allowed for creating articles?

Sure, tech it up with AI if that’s your style. Just remember, we want the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. In other words, please fact check and add a unique touch of your own.

Am I required to submit imagery with my articles?

Snapshots aren’t mandatory, but they add spice. If you don’t, we might just jazz it up ourselves.

Can I write about any topic?

Spit fire on conservative topics and today’s hot mess. But remember, it's our playground, our rules.

How do I know if my article is selected for the homepage?

If your article’s the bomb, you’ll hear from us. Get ready for some homepage fame.

What are the guidelines for article length and format?

Crack open our best practices listed above, to ensure your article fits like a glove.

Reader Testimonials

"Red Elephant dishes out a thorough analysis while holding the conservative flag high."
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Jonathan Peters

Branson, MO

"Red Elephant slams down the gavel of truth, delivering amazing, no-BS content!"
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Melissa Hartwell

New York City, NY

"Red Elephant slashes through the fog, offering a clarity of vision that's like a shot of adrenaline."
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Samuel Dawson

Anchorage, AK