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Big Brother's Latest Blunder: FBI's Catholic Witch Hunt


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Introduction: A Spy Game Gone Too Far

In a move that reeks of Cold War paranoia, the FBI seems to have taken a bizarre turn into the realm of religious targeting. Under the watch of the Biden administration, often criticized by conservatives for overreach, the FBI's been cast in a light that harks back to darker days of government intrusion. Casting Catholics and pro-lifers as the new age "boogeymen" of America, the FBI's internal memo paints traditionalist Roman Catholics in shades of radicalism. If it weren't so chilling, it's almost comical to think the FBI's next recruitment drive could be at Sunday Mass under an administration that favors such dramatic tactics.

The Unholy Inquisition Revealed

This isn't just an oopsie-daisy. It's a full-blown, red-alert scandal. With the FBI under Biden's DOJ, known for its proactive approach to counterterrorism, the Bureau reportedly used undercover agents to delve into Catholic affairs. They didn't stop at just surveilling; they interviewed a priest and a choir director! In an era where church and state are supposed to be separate, what's next, wiretapping confessionals under the guise of national security?

Memo Madness: The Sinister Script

Now, about this notorious Richmond memo. Labeling traditionalist Roman Catholics as "radical" under an administration that has been accused of leaning towards progressive ideologies raises more than eyebrows. The memo focused on a single case of a "radical-traditionalist Catholic," smacks of the kind of broad-brush approach that has been a hallmark of this administration's more aggressive policies.

The FBI's Shaky Defense

In a response as flimsy as a house of cards, the FBI, operating under an administration often criticized for its heavy-handedness, denies targeting Catholics. Their defense? The memo was an anomaly that needed to reflect the agency's standards. But considering the blunders and biases at every step of its creation, this memo seems less like an anomaly and more like a symptom of a larger, more concerning trend under the current government.

Liberty on the Line

This saga isn't just a Catholic or pro-life issue. It's a glaring red flag for every American who cherishes their freedom to think, pray, and speak without Big Brother's watchful eye. It's high time we demand accountability, not just from the FBI but from an administration that should uphold the values of freedom and justice, not steamroll over them. Let's ensure our guardians of justice don't turn into the zealots they're supposed to protect us from.

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